Starting a new business and don't know what kind of business license you need? We have you covered! Find out more about business license providers in Seychelles 🇸🇨! Choose from over 1 business consultants to help you with business setup.
In order for you to engage in any business activity, you need to register your business with Registrar as stated by the Companies Act 1972, and to have the appropriate license, issued by the Seychelles Licensing Authority (SLA), as stated by the Licenses Act 1986.
Tetra Consultants assists our international clients to register company in Seychelles. Seychelles is a popular offshore jurisdiction for many investors due to multiple tax benefits. Our services include Seychelles company registration, corporate bank account opening and setting up of trust or foundation.
Absa Bank (Seychelles) Limited is part of Absa Group Limited, an African financial services group that aims to be the pride of the continent. Absa Group Limited is listed on the JSE in South Africa and is one of Africa’s largest diversified financial services groups with a presence in 12 countries across the continent and around 42, 000 employees. We’re committed to finding local solutions to uniquely local challenges and everything we do is focused on adding value. To this end, we offer our clients a range of retail, business, corporate and investment, and wealth management solutions. We also ensure a positive impact in all the countries where we operate.
The Seychelles Commercial Bank was formerly known as Seychelles Savings Bank. The Seychelles Savings Bank Act (Chapter 208) permitted the Seychelles Savings Bank to engage in select banking activities as from 1st January, 1981. In 1992 the Government of Seychelles incorporated Seychelles Savings Bank as a limited liability company under the Companies Act, with majority shares owned by the Government of Seychelles. The Seychelles Savings Bank Act (1981) was repealed on 9th July, 1996 and in 1997 the Bank obtained a license to conduct “Domestic Banking Business” under the Financial Institution Act (Cap 79) granted by the Central Bank of Seychelles. Also, in 1997, the Bank took over the housing loan portfolio of Mortgage Finance Company Limited. The Bank changed its name from Seychelles Savings Bank to Seychelles Commercial Bank on 27th September 2013. The Bank presently conducts fully fledged Commercial Banking activity under the Financial Institution Act, 2004, as amended.